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Investment Options
Explore the investment instruments designed to help you grow your wealth while supporting Expertel SL's innovative technology and Quantum Fund.
As any company, Expertel SL, the owner and operator of the proceedit project and its services, needs capital to develop the technology, support the operations, and to feed the Quantum Fund, the financial engine of the company powered by the CTI (Continuous Trading Insights) Service.
Investment Instruments
We have established three investment instruments to capitalize our company in order to fit with the possibilities and the desires of the different investors profiles. The main characteristics of these instruments are summarised in the following comparison table:
Product Code | QCB | PTS | CMS |
Description | Quantum Corporate Bonds | Phantom Shares | Common Shares |
Investment Type | Loan | Loan | Stocks |
Nominal Value | 1 EUR | 1 EUR | 1 EUR |
Minimum Investment | 100 EUR | 100 EUR | 500 EUR |
Time Frame | Flexible | Permanent | Permanent |
Compensation Type | Variable Interest | Variable Interest | Dividend |
Compensation Amount | A fraction of the proceedit’s Quantum Fund yield (TWRR) | Interest equal to the Dividend distributed by the company | As per the approved by Shareholders every year |
Minimum Compensation | Compound interest 2% per month | None | None |
Compensation Frequency | Only once at the liquidation event | Yearly | Yearly |
Liquidity | At any time, by Holder’s first request or when company decides | Whenever a Buyer offer is accepted | Whenever a Buyer offer is accepted |
Liquidity Events | Any month end day | Not applicable | Not applicable |
Partial Liquidation | Partial withdrawals not allowed | Not applicable | Not applicable |
Capital Guaranteed | Yes | No | No |
QCBs Interests
Variable and minimum interest rates applicable to the QCBs are determined according to the following table:
Contract Amount | Less than 1K EUR | Between 1K and 10K EUR | Between 10K and 100K EUR | More than 100K EUR |
Fraction of the proceedit’s Quantum Fund TWRR | 20% | 40% | 60% | 80% |
Minimum Interest | Compound interest 2% per month | Compound interest 2% per month | Compound interest 2% per month | Compound interest 2% per month |
The proceedit’s Quantum Fund is managed in the Interactive Brokers IBKR U10510749 margin account. |
What is the TWRR Method?
A time-weighted rate of return (TWRR) is a calculation designed to measure the performance of the account over the time period invested, and to exclude extraneous elements not usually under a Portfolio Manager's control – specifically, deposits to and withdrawals from an account, as well as transfers in or out.
The time-weighted return is a measure of the historical performance of an investment portfolio which compensates for external flows. External flows refer to the net movements of value into or out of a portfolio, stemming from transfers of cash, securities, or other financial instruments. These flows are characterized by the absence of a concurrent, equal, and opposite value transaction, unlike what occurs in purchases or sales. Furthermore, they do not originate from the income generated by the portfolio's investments, such as interest, coupons, or dividends.
To compensate for external flows, the overall time interval under analysis is divided into contiguous sub-periods at each point in time within the overall time period whenever there is an external flow. In general, these sub-periods will be of unequal lengths. The returns over the sub-periods between external flows are linked geometrically (compounded) together, i.e. by multiplying together the growth factors in all the sub-periods. The growth factor in each sub-period is equal to 1 plus the return over the sub-period.
Legal Disclaimer
In the relations between Expertel SL - proceedit and the Subscriber and Users of the CTI* Service the following legal provisions apply. When subscribing to the product you declare to be aware and accept the following terms:
- Expertel SL - proceedit is not a fiduciary by virtue of any person's use of or access to this content. Any information, materials, statements, data set out herein is subject to change anytime without notice, and as such, no reliance must be placed on the fairness, accuracy, completeness, or correctness of any information and materials contained on this website, application, webinar, meeting, course, document, image, video, video recording, blog, post, news, email, message, or whatever media you may have access to.
- You alone assume the sole responsibility of evaluating all merits and risks that are or may be associated with any use of any information or material provided to you by Expertel SL - proceedit by any means (websites, applications, webinars, meetings, courses, documents, images, videos, video recordings, blogs, posts, news, emails, messages, etc.) or coming to any conclusion based on the information and content found on any of the documents of any type published by Expertel SL - proceedit. You agree not to hold Expertel SL - proceedit, its affiliates, its distributors, or any third party service provider(s) liable for any possible claim for damages arising from any decisions you may or have made based on the information or content made available to you on this website, in an application, webinar, meeting, course, document, image, video, video recording, blog, post, news, email, or message to which you may have access, or on any other source of information published by Expertel SL - proceedit. In any event, Expertel SL - proceedit and/or its employees, advisors, and representatives are not liable for any loss, loss of profit, or damage whatsoever arising or incurred from any use or reliance of any information provided by Expertel SL - proceedit, its contents, or otherwise arising in connection with.
- There are risks associated with investing in securities, commodities, and property. Investing in securities and commodities such as stocks, bonds, exchange-traded funds, mutual funds, money market funds, currency pairs, commodities, futures, derivatives, cryptocurrencies, or any other financial asset of any type involves risk of loss. A loss of principal is possible. Past benefits reported from our backtest analysis are not a guarantee of future profits. Past performance is no guarantee of future results - any investment carries a potential for loss. Our CTI service does not take account of your objectives or your financial situation and Expertel SL does not offer any personalized investment advice. Expertel SL is not a licensed securities dealer, broker or investment adviser or investment bank.
- To better provide you with information, Expertel SL - proceedit may provide hyperlinks to websites operated by and/or snapshots of the information provided, or links to documents created by or derived from third parties. By selecting these hyperlinks, you are no longer on Expertel SL - proceedit's operated site. As Expertel SL - proceedit has no control over such sites or content, it will not assume any responsibility for the availability of such external sites, documents, or their content. Expertel SL - proceedit does not adopt, endorse, or be responsible or liable for any such sites, documents, or content, including advertising, products, or other materials, on or is made available through such third parties' sites or resources. Other websites may offer links to our site and/or content with or without our prior authorization. Expertel SL - proceedit does not endorse any such sites and shall not be responsible or liable for any links from those sites to our site and content, or for any content, advertising, products, or other materials made available on or through such other sites, or for any loss or damages incurred in connection therewith. Expertel SL - proceedit may, in our sole discretion, block links to the site and its content without any prior notice.
- The periodic Insights (Signals, Orders, Limit Prices, Portfolio Compositions, etc.) provided by Expertel SL - proceedit to its clients through different means (websites, applications, webinars, meetings, courses, documents, images, videos, video recordings, blogs, posts, news, emails, messages, etc.) are just reflecting our opinions about the potential evolution of the market and the financial Assets marketed there, and in no case can you consider our Insights as recommendations, advice or suggestions on what to trade with and how to trade with any of the Assets mentioned there. Our Insights are based on different financial market information obtained periodically from third party suppliers. Expertel SL - proceedit is not responsible in any case for any incidents that may occur in relation to the Insights provided to our customers, whether caused or not by possible inaccuracies or delays in the information provided by the respective suppliers of the financial information used by Expertel SL - proceedit to generate the Insights, nor for any eventual loss, damage, or loss of profit eventually caused to our customers by said circumstance.
Take into account that just by subscribing to the different CTI* products and services, Subscribers and Users accept the application of the above terms.
* CTI: Acronym for the proceedit's Continuous Trading Insights service.
Terms and Conditions
You can invest in the proceedit project by buying Quantum Corporate Bonds (QCBs) of Expertel SL, the Company owner and supporter of the proceedit project.
Expertel SL (the Company) is a European Public Limited Company (Corporation) founded in 1992 in Spain and registered with the EU VAT number ESB60124286.
Quantum Corporate Bonds, Packs, and Contracts
An Expertel SL (proceedit) Quantum Corporate Bond is a High-yield Corporate Bond covering a loan of the Bond Holder (Creditor) to the Bond Issuer, the Company (Debtor). The capital involved in the transaction is used by the Company to finance their operations.
Each QCB has a nominal value of €1. Bonds are bundled in a certain number of Packs of a determined number of Bonds each, for instance: €100, €1K, €10K, €100K, etc.
You can buy together as a set a certain number of QCBs Packs purchased at a certain moment. The set of Packs purchased together configures a Contract, which is referenced by a purchase order number.
The liquidation of a QCBs Packs Contract can be done at any time requested, even by the Bond Holder or by the Bond Issuer.
Purchasing Quantum Corporate Bonds Packs
You can buy up to a certain number of the different Quantum Corporate Bonds Packs offered in the proceedit.shop marketplace by going to the corresponding QCBs Packs checkout pages and indicating there the number of Packs that you want to buy.
When purchasing a QCBs Packs Contract, Expertel SL must receive in its bank account the total net nominal amount of the Bonds Packs purchased. Any money transfer commission or tax applicable to the purchase operation will have to be supported by the Bond purchaser (Creditor).
In order to make your purchase effective, you must be registered as an Expertel SL Investor. If you haven't done it before, you must register yourself as an Expertel SL Investor by following the procedure indicated here below:
Note: Take into account that you don't have to redo the Investor's register if you have already done it before, unless there is anything to be updated regarding your identification documents or any other legal or residence condition.
proceedit's Quantum Funds
The proceedit's Quantum Funds are a collection of Expertel SL internal investment funds, which are managed by the Company with its own capital by placing the orders generated by the CTI (Continuous Trading Insights) Service at its higher Level of Service.
The proceedit's Quantum Funds are managed in a continuous (24/7) way by the Company's traders (human or robots) in order to obtain the best possible trading results with the lowest possible risk. This is achieved by:
- Placing the orders received from the CTI service at due time.
- Combining Long and Short operations.
- Managing in a smart way the portfolio of financial Assets supported by the CTI Service.
- Applying a certain rate of Leverage decided dynamically depending on the everyday market situation.
At that moment, the proceedit's Quantum Fund is operated in the U10510749 corporate margin account of the IBKR (Interactive Brokers) broker.
Other Brokers and accounts could be operated in the future. Every QCBs Bond Pack will be associated with a certain broker account, and this will be informed in advance to the purchaser.
Liquidation of the Quantum Corporate Bonds Packs Contracts
Any QCBs Pack Contract can be liquidated at any time at the first request or first announcement done unilaterally in writing, even by the Bondholder (Creditor) or the Company (Bond Issuer or Debtor).
The Bond Holders can liquidate their QCBs at any time they want and then recover their capital plus the interest generated, just by sending a liquidation request in writing to this email: finance@proceedit.com.
The Bond Issuer can also liquidate any of the Bonds Contracts at any time by just announcing it by email to the Bond Holder.
Both the liquidation request and the liquidation announcement generate the same liquidation procedure and the same rights for the Bondholder.
The liquidation effective date will be the first working day of the next month after having received the liquidation request or emitted the liquidation announcement.
The liquidation will be done for both the nominal capital of the QCBs Packs included in the Contract plus the interest generated since its purchase by applying a capitalization method based on the TWRR obtained by the proceedit's Quantum Fund associated with the QCBs Packs Contract.
No partial liquidation or withdrawal of a QCBs Pack Contract will be accepted; only total liquidation is applied.
No partial interests will be liquidated between the purchase and the liquidation of each Bonds Packs Contract; only final total interest will be applied at the liquidation event.
Interest Applied to the Quantum Corporate Bonds
The investment in Expertel SL (proceedit) Quantum Corporate Bonds (QCBs) is compensated with the payment of a variable interest, which is linked to a certain fraction of the TWRR obtained by a certain proceedit's Quantum Fund.
TWRR = Time Weighted Rate of Return as per the calculations made in the Brokers Summary Report. TWRR is a measure of the compound rate of growth in a portfolio. The TWR measure is often used to compare the returns of investment managers because it eliminates the distorting effects on growth rates created by inflows and outflows of money. The time-weighted return breaks up the return on an investment portfolio into separate intervals based on whether money was added or withdrawn from the fund.
The interest to be applied when liquidating a certain QCBs Pack Contract will be a fraction of the TWRR obtained by the associated proceedit's Quantum Fund between two dates: 1) the date of purchase of the QCBs Packs Contract, and 2) the date of liquidation of the Contract.
The TWRR to be applied to calculate the interest to pay the Bonds will be the one indicated in the summary report generated between the two dates mentioned before on the broker account associated with the Contract. This report is accepted by the parties as a reliable proven source of the yields obtained.
The broker, the broker account, and the fraction to be applied to the TWRR to calculate the variable interest of the QCBs will be informed to the buyer in advance at the moment of the purchase of each QCBs Pack, as part of the characteristics of the product to be purchased.
The liquidation interest calculations will be done for each purchased QCBs Pack Contract at the effective date of its liquidation, and the payment will be done by wire transfer not later than 5 working days after the effective liquidation date.
Capital Guaranteed
The return of the capital invested by the Creditor in the Expertel SL (proceedit) Quantum Corporate Bonds (QCBs) is guaranteed. This means that, if at the moment of its effective liquidation, the resulting TWRR would be negative for a certain QCBs Pack Contract, a minimum of 2% monthly interest will be applied, and the full capital plus the minimum interest will be returned back to the QCBs Packs Contract Holder, once having deducted any applicable commission, retention, or tax.
In such a way, the capital invested and the minimum interest accrued by the Bonds Holder is always guaranteed by liquidation and return to the Creditor at the first request.
Liquidation Procedure, Commissions, and Taxes
At the moment of the liquidation, a liquidation certificate will be emitted and sent to the Quantum Corporate Bonds (QCBs) Packs Contract Holder with the details of the transaction made and the corresponding support document obtained from the associated proceedit's Quantum Fund broker account.
When doing the liquidation of a QCBs Pack Contract, any applicable money transfer commission, other commissions, or taxes will be supported by the Bonds Holder (Creditor).
Any fiscal taxes applicable to the interests earned by the Bonds Holder (Creditor) when liquidating the Bonds Packs Contract will be: 1) deducted from the amount to be transferred to the Bonds Holder, 2) liquidated in front of the Spanish Tax authority, and 3) the corresponding tax certificate will be emitted and sent to the Bonds Holder after the end of the fiscal year.
The resulting due liquidation balance will be wire-transferred to the same bank account from where the investment was made by the QCBs Packs Contract Holder, unless any other previous instructions in writing have been received in that respect.
The wire transfer will be ordered not later than 5 working days after the liquidation event date. Any eventual cost (commissions, retentions, Taxes, ...) related with the wire transfer will be supported by the Bonds Holder.
Legal Disclaimer
Before buying an Expertel SL (proceedit) Quantum Corporate Bonds (QCBs) Pack, you must be sure to have read and understood the terms and conditions of this financial product and the mutual responsibilities and liabilities derived for both parts, which are described here: Legal Disclaimer.
When buying an Expertel SL (proceedit) Quantum Corporate Bonds Pack, you acknowledge and accept the indicated terms, conditions, and mutual responsibilities and liabilities.
Terms and Conditions Acceptance
Take into account that when buying a QCBs Pack, you are accepting the above terms and conditions.